
Course Descriptions Spring Quarter IV

Early Session Tuesday 6:00 pm - 7:15 pm                    April 24, 2018 - June 19, 2018


An in-depth study of the book of Romans. It focuses on Paul’s systematic explanation of the gospel to the Romans and offers insight into the doctrines of sin, salvation, and sanctification. The student will learn how union with Christ and the indwelling Holy Spirit leads to spiritual growth.


Course Descriptions Spring Quarter IV

Late Session Tuesday 7:30 pm - 8:45 pm                        April 24, 2018 - June 19, 2018

Introduction to Pentecostal Doctrine

An examination of the four cardinal doctrines of the Assemblies of God: Salvation, Baptism in the Holy Spirit, Healing, and the Second Coming of Christ. After an introductory unit on the importance of doctrine, there is a unit of study on each of the doctrines. This course is essential to the further understanding of the complete Pentecostal message as presented in other courses.



