The Growth Track at Faith Family Church guides you to discover your redemptive purpose and live the life God created for you. Growth Track is made up of four steps and you can join in at any time!
Growth Tracks are held Sundays at 10:00 am in Room 207 (upper level just at the top of the stairs)
Week 1: Know Jesus
1st Sunday of the Month
Connect with us and learn about the spiritual journey God has for each of us to know Jesus. You will have the opportunity to accept Jesus as Lord and Savior of your life and to sign up for water baptism.
Week 2: Find Healing
2nd Sunday of the Month
Dive into what the Bible has to say about finding healing through the Word, through relationships with others, and through your relationship with Jesus. You will have the opportunity to learn more about our mid-week ministries and groups that meet, as well as how sign up for a Connect Group.
Week 3: Discover Purpose
3rd Sunday of the Month
Discover how your unique personality and spiritual gifts point to your purpose in life and ministry. In this class we take time to not only discover our gifts and abilities but also to understand them in the context of fulfilling our purpose.
Week 4: Make a Difference
4th Sunday of the Month
Connect to the opportunities at Faith Family Church to live out your purpose and use your unique gifting to serve others and make a difference! At the end of this class you will be given the opportunity to join a ministry team.